It’s about guidance, not correction.
There’s no right way to run, only your way. So we’re not here to “fix” the way you run, just to help stabilize your stride.
Your Run Signature is unique to you and how your body wants to move. After years of research in the lab and talking to runners, we created a running technology to determine your individual Run Signature by comparing how your body naturally wants to move and how you move while running. This result determines the level of support you may need from your shoes.
For half of all runners, their movements off the run and on the run are in sync — we call them “Neutral” runners. Those who deviate from that baseline are called “Support” runners.
For Support runners, minimising deviation of excess knee movement can help to stabilise your run — that’s where GuideRails™ support technology comes in. Support runners may rely on GuideRails all the time, while Neutral runners might only use them when their stride falls out of place. Either way, every runner benefits from some level of support for their unique running style on the run.
Running goes beyond simply your feet. It’s about the entire system of your feet, your knees, and your hips. When they are working together, each stride gets easier. And happier.